The concept of the fatigue theory depends on the calculation s in the ISO 281 with the accordance of the Lundeberg and Palmgren’s theory for the calculation of the bearing rating life.
The actual bearing operational life is however more than the calculated life. Thus the life adjustment factor comes in to the role for the calculation of the bearing life.
The life adjustment factor is influenced by the following factors,
The basic dynamic load rating of rolling bearings is defined as the constant load applied on bearings with stationary outer rings that the inner rings can endure for a rating life (90% life) of one million revolutions. Radial load on the center of the bearing defines the basic load rating of radial bearings and an axial load of constant direction and magnitude defines the basic load rating of the thrust bearings.
The dynamic load carrying capacity is described in terms of the basic dynamic load rating and the basic rating of bearing life.
The fatigue life of the bearing depends on the following factors,
The basic dynamic load rating is defined by C. Constant radial load for radial bearing is Cr and for axial load is Co.
Bearing application decides the various function included in the rolling bearings. These functions should work defect free for the maximum number of period. Bearings will eventually fail to perform satisfactorily due to an increase in noise and vibration, loss of running accuracy, deterioration of lubricant, or fatigue flaking of the rolling surfaces even if bearings are properly mounted and correctly operated.
Bearing life is defined as, satisfactory performance of bearing function even after the continuously operated. Bearing life depends on the factor of evaluation of noise life, grease life abrasion life or rolling fatigue life.
Factors which cause bearing failure other than the above mentioned factors are seizure due to heat, fracture, scoring of the rings, damage of seals or cage, or any other damage occurs.
As a result of errors in bearing selection, improper design or manufacture of the bearing surroundings, incorrect mounting, or insufficient maintenance; if such condition occurred then failure should not be interpreted as normal bearing failure.
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White Paper – Concept of Bearing Life and Bearing Load Carrying Capacity