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Things to look for when problems occur with bearings

Things to look for when problems occur with bearings.

There are many moving parts to any piece of machine or equipment. One moving part which requires particular attention are the bearings. When maintained and operating well, they allow the machinery to run with very few problems. When the bearings fail, though, the machine fails along with it.

Below are some common reasons for bearing failure. They include :

  1. Bearing misalignments
  2. Improper mounting
  3. Contaminated or improper lubrication
  4. High temperatures
  5. Bearing fatigue
  6. Improper storage techniques.

These are on average the first things to look for when problems occur with bearings. There are also other issues that arise and result in premature bearing failure.

To know more click on the below link ..

White Paper – Things to look for when problems occur with bearings

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